Student Council
Nün Academy’s Student Councillors are responsible role-models. They are chosen by their peers to represent their class. Through their practice, the Student Councillors acquire democracy skills and are involved in relevant decision making. The most important part of Student Council is to make a positive change within the school community. In addition, the Student Councillors are responsible for planning events that are engaging and relevant to learning. The Student Council nominations are held yearly, giving all of our students the opportunity to apply.
One of the most important events planned annually by the Student Councillors is Ramadan. The students discuss ideas of how they can contribute to the community and culture of Ramadan. They bring the ideas to their weekly meetings and vote for the ones that stand out the most. Two years ago, the students raised money for unprivileged communities by having their own booth to sell things that they have made themselves. This year, the students plan to post videos where they ask their families about how they celebrated the holy month during their childhood and share their families’s ramadan traditions. In addition, each year group is competing to gather food, clothes and toys to give to the disadvantaged communities.
The student council play an important role in our growth as a school, as they contribute to making a positive impact. One example is how our year 7 girls gathered to petition and contact the School Counsellor and Pastoral Deputy Head to change their exam times for their year level allowing them more time to study and prepare for tests. In addition, our Student Counsellors take roles in finding solutions to common problems in the playground and assisting others in solving conflicts.